Friday, May 8, 2009

Mrs T's Eurovision Memoirs(2) Gibberish comes up trumps.

If you read my last Music Monday Post you'll know I'm posting on the Eurovision contest over the coming days. So here is one of my favourites, the 1975 winning song by Teach In who sang a tune with a truly memorable title (worthy of Freudian analysis) called Ding-a-Dong.

I used to have curtains like that.

And is that hair for real or a wig? Cos if it is a wig I want one it. I'm not saying I've got hair loss but last time I shaved my legs I collected the hairs and stuck them on my head.

Okay, let's have a look at the lyrics;

When you're feeling alright
Everything is up-tight
Listen to sing a song that goes ding, ding a dong
There will be no sorrow
When you'll sing tomorrow
And you walk along with your ding dang dong

Ding a dong every hour
When you pick a flower
Even when your lover is gone gone gone
Ding a dong listen to it
Maybe it's a big hit
Even when your lover is gone gone gone
Sing ding dang dong

When you're feeling alright
Everything is up-tight
Try to sing a song that goes ding, ding a dong
And the world looks sunny
Everyone is funny
When they sing a song that goes ding dang dong

Ding a dong every hour
When you pick a flower
Even when your lover is gone gone gone
Ding a dong listen to it
Maybe it's a big hit
Even when your lover is gone gone gone

Ding dang dong, ding a dang dong

When you think it's all over
They let me down
Dry your tears and forget all your sorrow
Try to smile while you say goodbye
Sing ding dong, ding dong
Ding dang dong
When you'll wake up tomorrow
When the sun is up in the sky

When you're feeling alright
Everything is up-tight
Listen to a song that goes ding, ding a dong
There will be no sorrow
When you'll sing tomorrow
And you walk along with your ding dang dong

Ding a dong every hour
When you pick a flower
Even when your lover is gone gone gone
Ding a dong listen to it
Maybe it's a big hit
Even when your lover is gone gone gone

Ding a dong every hour
When you pick a flower
Even when your lover is gone gone gone
Ding a dong listen to it
Maybe it's a big hit
Even when your lover is gone gone gone (rpt)

Hmm... now correct me if I'm wrong but I'm thinking Shakespeare didn't write those lyrics. In fact if someone would like to translate them into something that makes sense please do try! And I'm a bit worried about all that walking around with your ding dang dong. Sounds like the kind of thing you might get arrested for. Basically those lyrics are complete gibberish but nevertheless it was the winning song. So I've concluded that for the UK to win the 2010 Eurovision contest I need to write the lyrics! Surely there can be no one better than Mrs T at writing nonsense?

Well apparently there is.

Yep, whilst having one of my "Let's surf the internet but pretend to be writing" periods (so Mr T doesn't horse whip me) I decided to google "gibberish."

"Gibberish is a generic term in English for talking that sounds like speech but has no actual meaning. This meaning has also been extended to meaningless text or gobbledygook. The common theme in gibberish statements is a lack of literal sense, which can also be described as a presence of nonsense." (Wikipedia)

Interesting; I think I definitely qualify as a potential Eurovision songwriter! But then I found this; know even though it's gibberish it's kinda clever and I rather like it. So who is this Ryan Leslie ? I'd certainly never heard of him. Well apparently he is better known as a music producer but is also an instrumentalist and rapper. Born of mixed origins, his mother is of Caribbean, Dutch, Chinese, and African descent and his father is from Barbados. I guess Ryan has a lot 0f eclectic interests with that heritage and as he also attended Harvard he must be one smart cookie too! His first album was released in February this year and I've been listening to a few tunes and it's sounding interesting. Maybe it goes to show that where music is concerned lyrics are just a bonus.

Still, I'm gonna give it my best shot anyway with those lyrics next year! Cos I just can't stand losing!


  1. Nice curtain call, Mrs T. By the way, is Ryan Leslie seriously scratching his bum? Seems that way from the YouTube image on my screen.

  2. Those lyrics are horrible.

    I can't believe that actually won an important contest like that.

    I think I can come up with something better. Heck, I think your sons can come up with something better.

  3. Carry on Leslie PhillipsMay 12, 2009 at 11:39 AM

    Ding Dong :-))

  4. PB,

    Yes, he is scratching his bum. Amazing - probably paid some arty farty designer thousands for that image!


    Believe me, my sons have come up with something better! Hey, there's hope for us as lyricists anyway even if we never get a big publishing deal!

    Leslie Philips eh? Hmm... Mrs T thinks that Mr Philips is one of her more dubious friends!

  5. Carry on Leslie PhillipsMay 13, 2009 at 11:57 AM

    Dubious? indubitably no . . . carry on laughing up the khyber . .


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My Nominees for the US and UK Elections and Other Waffle

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