Friday, March 16, 2012

An Emergency Situation

Hoist the flags, man the bridges, I have an emergency situation...

I have run out of toilet roll.


  1. Newspaper makes an acceptable alternative, apparently.

    May I recommend the Daily Mail....

  2. I used to buy The Mail roughly once a week for the Femail section, Martin. I've bought only one copy since the extremely nasty article about the death of Stephen Gately.Enough was enough. I do pop over their website though - but mainly to read the comments which can are usually more interesting/amusing than the articles. As a paper it has really deteriorated and fallen into the celebrity trap - and I have zero interest in reality TV stars.

    Recommendation? Accepted!


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My Nominees for the US and UK Elections and Other Waffle

It's the early hours of the morning, and I have had a large gin... Late-night alcohol is always a good recipe for writing gibberish. And...