Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Lesson for The Housewife Extraordinaire

As you all know I am a Housewife Extraordinaire. Essentially, this means I'm an expert at household cleaning. However, since Young Sam returned home (bringing the total number of males in the household back to four) and I acquired a new pussy cat called Shand The Shitter (the name is self-explanatory) I have been struggling with my excessive cleaning duties.

Therefore, I decided that in order to improve on my cleaning skills I needed to take a household cleaning refresher course. I found exactly what I needed on YouTube. I am now feeling far more comfortable about my cleaning abilities - I know exactly what I am going to do the next time I need to unblock the loo or find a stack of unwashed dishes left by the sink!

1 comment:

  1. Now, what a terrific solution to cleaning Mrs. T! HOW did you find this fast and easy method of cleaning? LOL


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